Growing Your Business Using an App

Growing Your Business Using an App

We all know that the growing tech world can be intimidating. A recent study by shows the following: “(March 2013) estimates: 1.2 billion people worldwide were using mobile apps at the end of 2012. This is forecast to grow at a 29.8 percent each year,...
How To Successfully Network

How To Successfully Network

As we all know, technology has enabled the process of networking to become digital. We can now network through our computers and social media sites, or in person at events, conferences, and other gatherings. However, if you’re not networking strategically, your...
How To Successfully Network

Leads 101

Many people don’t know what lead refers to. A lead is a potential customer or business partner you may meet during business conferences, showcases, meetings, and other events. Why are leads important? The lead is the first step in creating more business for your...

The Team Behind the Manager

The manager of any team is responsible for overseeing processes. They make sure all employees are doing their jobs properly, ensure satisfaction, monitor sales, and more. However, the “front line” men and women are those in the team behind the manager. These people...