Get ready for new year with a new CRM- MLeads

Get ready for new year with a new CRM- MLeads

Get ready for new year and grow your business with a new CRM. End of the year is a busy period in which developers and programmers try to reach their current sales and planning goals for the new year. That is when we look back on our task lists to see if we have...
9 Factors to be careful about when choosing CRM for your company

4 Quick Tips to Generate Quality Leads

1. Create a video about the product 65% of people are visuals. So why not talk about what you offer, convenient for most of the way? A quality video that favorably represents the product can generate up to 33% of new leads. The main thing is that it should not be long...
9 Factors to be careful about when choosing CRM for your company

MLeads Introduces New Features

We are continuously updating and adding a new feature in the MLeads platform so the user can get the maximum benefit of MLeads. Big news! We’re excited to announce that MLeads has introduced new features in Cloud Platform such as : Graphical representation Sync Tasks...