We all know that the growing tech world can be intimidating.

A recent study by mobithinking.com shows the following:

“(March 2013) estimates: 1.2 billion people worldwide were using mobile apps at the end of 2012. This is forecast to grow at a 29.8 percent each year, to reach 4.4 billion users by the end of 2017.” That’s a HUGE portion of the population.

Today, there are thousands of apps that are used by businesses to network, socialize, and grow business. But there is not one single way in which you can use apps to help your business flourish.

With thousands of new apps being created every day, you want to get YOUR business in the mix! Create an application for your business so that customers can interact with your work. For example, if your business promotes a product, create an app where users can visit their mobile devices to address forums, FAQ’s, and updates about the product. Mobility is essential today! If your customers cannot find what they are looking for on their phones or tablets, you are already a step behind.

Creating an app for your business is just the first step in the growth process. There are plenty of apps out there that can help to promote your business and your new app! For example, Yelp! reviews food, attractions, and places. If your business falls under one of these categories, you can get serious exposure to a more diverse market.


“The best apps give a user plenty of interaction and do not expect a passive observer.”

– Appletree Mediaworks